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Legal Notice


The activity and commercial development of timelessracingbrand(hereinafter the seller) is carried out in strict compliance with the current legal regulations of the European Community, and specifically, in accordance with the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data, Law of Services of the Information Society, Law of Consumers and Users, and Law of Electronic Commerce.


Legal Notice

The Seller cannot assume any responsibility derived from the incorrect, inappropriate or illicit use of the information appearing on the Seller's web page. Within the limits established by law, The Seller does not assume any responsibility derived from the lack of veracity, integrity, updating and accuracy of the data or information contained in the Internet site.

The Internet pages of The Seller may contain links to other pages of third parties over which The Seller has no control. Therefore, The Seller cannot assume responsibility for the content that may appear on third party sites. Online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013 : The European Commission facilitates an online dispute resolution platform, which is available at the following link:

The texts, images, sounds, animations, software and other content included on this website are the exclusive property of The Seller or its licensors. Any act of transmission, distribution, transfer, reproduction, storage or total or partial public communication must have the express consent of The Seller.

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